Energia-aamupala: Muutokset Euroopan energiamarkkinoilla

2016-03-17 08:30:00 2016-03-17 10:00:28 Europe/Helsinki Energia-aamupala: Muutokset Euroopan energiamarkkinoilla Energia-aamupalalla keskustellaan muutoksista eurooppalaisilla energiamarkkinoilla. Tilaisuuden vetäjänä on Energiatalouden professori Sanna Syri. http://old.chem.aalto.fi/fi//midcom-permalink-1e5dbb17505a142dbb111e58cecfd5ad27b14271427 Otaniementie 19, 02150, Espoo

Energia-aamupalalla keskustellaan muutoksista eurooppalaisilla energiamarkkinoilla. Tilaisuuden vetäjänä on Energiatalouden professori Sanna Syri.

17.03.2016 / 08:30 - 10:00

Aalto-yliopiston Energia-platform aloittaa Energia-aamupalojen sarjan.

Ensimmäinen tilaisuus (17.3.2016, 8.30 – 10.00) keskittyy eurooppalaisten energiamarkkinoiden muutostilanteeseen. Siihen keskittyvää nelivuotista ja monialaista tutkimusprojektia Transitions of European Energy Markets (STEEM) johtaa Energiatalouden Professori Sanna Syri Insinööritieteiden korkeakoulusta.

Tilaisuus alkaa 8.30 aamukahvilla. Paikkana OIH-talon seminaarisali, Otaniementie 19. Tilaisuus on englanninkielinen.



8:30 Breakfast served

8:45-9:00 Welcome and introduction to STEEM Project, Professor Sanna Syri

9:00-9:20 Profitability of electricity storage on the Nordic electricity market, Researcher Behnam Zakeri

9:20-9:40 Market Impacts of Energy Storage in a Transmission-Constrained Power System, Researcher Vilma Virasjoki

9:40-10:00 Counter-effects of energy transitions in interconnected countries, Researcher Behnam Zakeri


The electricity storages here refer to large-market storages.

Presentations are followed by faculty and stakeholder discussions.

Professors behind the STEEM project

More information on the project here. (eng.aalto.fi)


Warmly welcome! Kindly register by March 15 at the latest via: https://www.webropolsurveys.com/S/A28A91EB0B0861B5.par


Aalto University’s key research themes in energy are Information, Materials and Society. Energy Breakfasts are to communicate and discuss on varying topics with the Aalto University members and its stakeholders outside of academia. The events are open for everyone. The organizer, Energy Platform facilitates innovative and increased cooperation inside Aalto University and with its industrial partners and other stakeholders. http://energy.aalto.fi (energyplatform@aalto.fi).


STEEM Project is part of Aalto University’s own energy research program AEF, http://aef.aalto.fi.

Professors behind the STEEM are:

Prof. Sanna Syri, Energy Economics in Department of Mechanical Engineering

Prof. Ahti Salo, Systems Analysis in Department of Mathematics and Systems Analysis

Prof. Timo Kuosmanen, Management Science in Department of Information and Service Economy

Prof. Matti Lehtonen, Power Systems in Department of Electrical Engineering and Automation

Prof. Risto Lahdelma, Energy Systems for Communities in Department of Mechanical Engineering