
Biotekniikan_ja_kemian_tekniikan_laitos.jpg Department of Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering

The unique competitive edge of the Department of Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering is based on sustainability in better utilization of raw materials, designing more efficient processes as well as development of new products based on them. The expertise areas of the department are in chemical engineering, metals process industry, energy technologies, and new materials production. They cover the complete chain from scientific research and theory to overall concepts and practice.

The department is responsible in educating chemical engineers and metallurgical process engineers on Master’s and Doctoral levels. The department takes main responsibility of the Majors of Chemical and Process Engineering and Sustainable Metals Processing in the Master’s Programme in Chemical, Biochemical and Materials Engineering.

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Akkututkimus.jpg Department of Chemistry and Materials Science

Research carried out at the Department centres on functional materials, modelling, as well as organic and analytical chemistry. The study of functional materials is strongly related to renewable energy materials, which include batteries, and thermoelectric materials. The themes of this research also include optical features, biosensors and microfluidics. Research is carried out with the other departments from the School of Chemical Engineering, as well as with Aalto's other school and Aalto's external partners.

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puu.jpg Department of Bioproducts and Biosystems

The overall task of the department has been and will be to convert renewable raw materials into sustainable high value-added products. Thereby, processes are needed to separate components from the renewables and to reassemble them in a way that we can gain value. That’s the general target of all the activities. The research themes include engineering, chemistry, biochemistry and biotechnology. That will cover areas like synthetic biology, biochemistry, protein engineering, and the synthesis of hybrid materials consisting of both bio-based and synthetic materials. It will also cover bioprocess engineering that is how to design and execute biotechnological processes.

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